Monday, September 6, 2010

drop a love bomb!

i recently learned of this great website/blog  - drop a love bomb. i love what they're doing and the community of blogs/bloggers i've discovered through them.
   Love Bomb is a project ofItStartsWith.Us. Once a week we come together to drop hundreds of love bombs (in the form of blog comments) for those who need it most. Subscribe via email below or follow us on Tumblr, and join us in our missions. It only takes 5 minutes a week! 

example: this week's mission

Bombing Mission: Chicago Fire Department

Note: We are now partnering with bloggers for missions! This week’s partners: Lauren Nicole LoveTheBee’,TallAsGrassTalk2TheTreesABCCreativity.comAmySoto, and ProneToWander
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Hey Team!
This week we are doing something just a tad different.
Typically we drop a Love Bomb on one person, but this week we are dropping a Love Bomb on theentire Chicago Fire Department.
Chris Wheatley, one of their firefighters, died in the line of duty on August 9th.
Nate and I would like for this Love Bomb mission to be two-fold:
1) To encourage, support and comfort the Chicago Fire Department as they’ve lost a brother in duty.
2) To thank the Chicago Fire Department for serving their community so faithfully.
As most of you know, Nate (@ItStartsWithUs) runs our parent organization, ItStartsWith.Us - their 15 minute mission for this week is to help out a service worker. Every now and then the ItStartsWithUs team helps us drop our Love Bombs, so I thought it would be awesome if we could do our part by supporting a service worker (a lot of them!) while we drop our Love Bomb at the same time!
You can leave a comment on the Chicago Fire Department’s blog here:
P.S.  In your comment, mention where you are from. It’s always cool, and particularly awesome in this mission.

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