Sunday, November 21, 2010

sleep to dream...

"if you stop dreaming you are just asleep"....unknown

i loved this when i read it. then i sat and really thought about it. 

i have had some REALLY bad nightmares. and some REALLY good dreams. i'd always rather have a nightmare, because it's temporary. waking up to reality is usually better. not so much with a good dream...

sleep to dream

and sleep is such a peaceful, and necessary, state.....

and some people, are just dreamers. in the clouds....

where is the balance between dreaming and pursuing those dreams, and living in the now and the reality? how do you know what dreams are worth pursuing, risking, putting energy into? what if you pursue a dream for 15 years and nothing happens, are you wrong to give up? wrong to have pursued so long in the first place, or right for believing in your dream despite challenges or lack of success. i mean, i am guessing here that "man" had a dream to get to space for more than 15 years before it actually happened, right? 

dream within a dream

have you ever had the same dream twice? and in the dream realized you were dreaming? i think i have (had) that awake as well....


 noun, often attributive \ˈdrēm\

Definition of DREAM

: a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep — compare rem sleep
: an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream: asa : a visionary creation of the imagination : daydreamb : a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality : reveriec : an object seen in a dreamlike state : vision
: something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality car is a dream to operate>
a : a strongly desired goal or purpose dream of becoming president>b : something that fully satisfies a wish : ideal dream>

1 comment:

kerry said...

"Reality is a nice place, but I wouldn't want to live there."