Tuesday, November 9, 2010

coffee talk

 courtesy of coffee bean and facebook friends

i have never thought of myself as simple....but i really would like to be simply myself. whatever that is...

this random psych student (or so he claimed....) came up to me at starbucks (yes please don't be confused. i did not frequent a coffee bean as seen in above picture) and asked me to answer a few questions for a research project. since i am totally incapable of saying no to a chance at anything psych/analyzing....i said yes.

i think in the end we learned i was a rare 4 on some scale. i liked that. rare and 4.... 

but every time he'd ask me to compare between two opposite personality styles or traits, i could totally define myself as either. depending on the situation. or decade. something crazy has to happen when you're raised by 2 therapists and 2 lawyers. and a pisces to boot. the easiest question to answer was when he asked if i was black and white or more in the middle? HAH. totally gray.  


Stephanie said...

Thanks so inspiring how that was posted at a coffee bean (and now your blog). I think simplicity is a great thing!

Bridget said...

awesome quote.

Martin said...

I'm envious of those people who clearly see things as black and white. Seems so clear and easy. I can see both sides of nearly everything, which equals twice the headache.

Like the coffee bean quote.

k.c. said...

thanks ladies! coffee really brings people together i think! :)

and martin you just described my life ;)