Thursday, January 27, 2011


peace - by james kavanaugh

in a complex and confusing world,
when life's details
get in the way of living,
and the mounting worries
crowd out simple beauty
of snow and silence,
fresh water and flowers,
when tragedy strikes without warning
and suffering arrives unannounced
then most of all
we must cling to what is truly beautiful:
children, love, laughter, dreams
wisdom, wonder, all that friendship means,
rearranging priorities, and taking time,
to discover what is alien,
what is really mine.
'tis then confusion softens, storms cease,
'tis then descends the gift of private peace.
may such peace surround our lives
all fill our space,
may peace transform our hearts
and thus our race. 

my grandma shared this poem with me other day. the rainbow my mom shared with me from above <3

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